October 22, 2022

1:30PM – 3:30PM

Kanawha City Rec Center at 3511 Venable Avenue

The Kanawha City Community Association is excited to host our 6th Annual Kanawha City Bike Appreciation Event for Kanawha City Residents. 

This Family Fun Event is free to the public and includes:

Bike giveaways for children ages 2-13 (Must register between 1-1:30 only & must be present to win a bike.)

Helmet Giveaways

 Charleston Police Department Obstacle Course

 Charleston Fire Department Smoke House

 Bike Tune-ups by Charleston Bicycle Center

 Bike Parade

 Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association (possible adoption event).  A bin will be provided for donations of food, blankets, etc.

KCCA Vintage Flea Market and KCCA Yard Sale Happening August 14th and 21st Respectively

It will be a busy month in August as KCCA is proud to host its 2nd Annual Vintage Inspired Flea Market and its Annual Yard Sale.

The Vintage Flea Market will be held at Center City East parking lot at 4700 McCorkle Ave., SE, Kanawha City from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Yard Sale will be held at various locations through out Kanawha City from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

See respective Flyers in the Document section for further details.  Hope to see you there!!!

KCCA Cancels Fall 2020 Events

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the Kanawha City Community Association (KCCA) regrets to announce that Fall 2020 events are officially canceled. This include the Kanawha City Yard Sale, Kanawha City Vintage Flea Market and the Bike-A-Boo events. The decision to cancel did not come lightly, but the safety of residents and the neighborhood is paramount during these uncertain times. The KCCA board will look for ways to engage with residents virtually until public gatherings are permitted again.
Going forward, KCCA will begin the planning process for the 2021 events listed above, and the association hopes to offer additional community engagement opportunities throughout the year. For any questions, please reach out to KCCA President, James Young. Make sure to follow KCCA on Facebook and at kanawhacity.org for more information regarding future events.

Christmas Decorating Contest

Do you enjoy decorating your home or front yard for the holidays? KCCA is sponsoring our annual Christmas Decorating Contest! All you need to do is email KCCA at Info@kanawhacity.org to let us know you would like to enter and then decorate your home or front yard. An independent judging team will be driving by and voting December 14-20th. Winners will be announced on KCCA Facebook and Webpage on December 23rd. Show us your creativity!!

Halloween Decorating Contest

Do you enjoy decorating your home or front yard for the holidays? KCCA is sponsoring our first Halloween Decorating Contest! All you need to do is email KCCA at Info@kanawhacity.org to let us know you would like to enter and then decorate your home or front yard. An independent judging team will be driving by and voting October 28-30th. Winners will be announced on KCCA Facebook and Webpage on October 31st. Show us your creativity!!


KCCA’s Fifth Coffee With Cops Event, presently scheduled for Thursday, April 2nd at the Daily Dose Cafe, will be continued due to the current Corona Pandemic.  Keep a look out for future dates.  Stay healthy and keep a look out for your fellow neighbors!

Bike A Boo 2019 Event

October 26, 2019 Civic Center East 1:30 to 3:30
Free Bicycles and Helmets to be given away!!


The 2019 KCCA Community Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, at 7:00 to be held in the Sam Bowling Conference Room at City National Bank.


September 28, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Please register at: Email KCCAyardsale@aol.com or send us a Facebook message with your: Address, Email and a Description of Sale Items
Spots will be available to rent at City Center East (parking lot) for only $20/ parking spot. Register for spots early before they are all taken!!

Summer Vintage Flea Market

July 20, 2019 from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
City Center East 4700 MacCorkle Ave SE. Charleston, WV 25304

See Flyer for additional information!!!

Coffee With A Cop

July 31, 2018 from 8:30 to 10:00 at the City National Bank, Kanawha City Branch

KCCA Annual Meeting September 28, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.

Crime, our growing homeless population (which potentially contributes to both crime and violence), and our neglected or abandoned business and residential properties in Kanawha City have become a negative part of our current reality. Each one of us, as a part of this community, needs to OWN and correct these challenges.

Your property values, your safety and the desirability of our community depend on us finding creative ways to keep Kanawha City the Charleston neighborhood of choice and not a neighborhood to avoid. That is the topic of our upcoming Community Meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, September 28 at City National Bank conference room. (Enter through the door on the Wendy’s side of the bank’s building.)

Unlike past meetings, there will be no featured speaker*. You and your neighbors will be the speakers and the main focus of the meeting. Came to express your opinions, your concerns, your hopes, and your willingness to take action for Kanawha City, your neighborhood. We can all complain and yell at someone about deterioration but practically speaking, no one person can correct it all.

First of all, the police are right. If you see something, say something. Get to know your neighborhood watch volunteer and let them know your concerns. They are in touch with the police daily.

Second, take a cell phone picture of what looks good and what you think we should replicate more of in Kanawha City. Share those photos with us. Take cell phone pictures of what really looks bad and needs corrected – shopping carts not on store grounds, unsightly overgrowth or neglect on commercial, state, city or private property. Share those photos with us too -guthrien4@gmail.com.

We need to identify the issues and then figure out together how to bring in the resources necessary to expand on or newly create what’s GOOD and correct what’s BAD and eliminate what’s REALLY BAD.

So, get involved. OWN YOUR COMMUNITY.

*The meeting will include election of board members. If you are interested in serving on the KCCA board and helping shape the future in Kanawha City, let us know ASAP or get nominated from the floor. All KCCA members are invited and encouraged to participate in KCCA committees, which include: Beautification, Business, Crime & Housing, Planning & Zoning, Communication, and MacCorkle Redevelopment. For more information contact KCCA or any board member.

New Website


The KCCA has recently launched its new website.